The Guidance Program provides basic services to students and other members of the University through counseling, individual inventory, information, testing, placement, referral, follow-up, consultation, and research and evaluation. The ultimate goal is the development of the total person.
It is considered as the core – the heart of the guidance program. Through this service, the student is assisted in undertaking himself, gains deeper awareness of his problems, makes intelligent decisions and helps him grow to become a self-sufficient and mature individual.
Types of Counselling Service
A. Individual Counseling
It is a one on one conversation with a trained professional or volunteer counselor which is designed to assist referred or self-referred students with problems.
B. Group Counseling
It is an opportunity for students to come together to work towards overcoming the impact of their common problem. It is both an opportunity to give and receive support from other students under the supervision of a competent counselor.
C. Peer Helping
It is an activity spearheaded by the Guidance Unit. It aims to encourage and train students who are qualified to help the counselor in serving the students due to population increase of the university. Trained students help fellow students with their adjustment and to cope with their academic and non-academic problems.
Counseling Services provides the following:

  1. Crisis intervention.
  2. Short – Term counseling such as college – related transition, homesickness, stress management and other common day – to – day problems of students.
  3. Skills development problems of students such as coping skills, time management skills, motivational skills and others.
  4. Support and brief counseling for students recovering from traumatic experiences.
  5. Assessment and referral to their institutions or agencies particularly for students whose present concerns are beyond counseling services’ scope of practice.

This is sometimes called individual analysis. This consists of gathering information about each student in school which is usually stored confidentially in a cumulative folder. Information obtained from students will be used for counseling and research purposes.

This program aims to provide students with relevant data necessary to guide choices and decisions.
Types of Information Service
a. Orientation
The guidance unitinitiates the conduct of General Orientation program for new students during the start of every semester. This activity aims to assist the students in their transition to their new academic environment and student life in the campus.
b. Information Drive
The guidance unit spearheads in promoting the different programs offered by the University.
c. Trainings/Seminars/Symposia/Fora/Bulletin Boards
Information on institutional vision, mission, goals, academic rules and regulations, services, facilities are made available to students. Likewise, academic and non-academic information are provided through pamphlets, flyers, posters, leaflets, bulletin boards,trainings, seminars, symposia and fora. Information are also disseminated through room – to- room, one – on – one or individualized announcements.

It is a service aimed to have a better understanding of the student and determine their competencies, weakness and problems.

Kinds of Tests Administered
a. ISU College Admission Test
This test is designed for the admission of incoming students.
b.Personality Test
It is used to assess the personality of the student including their tendencies.
c.Intelligence Test
This test measures the mental ability of the students.

This service is provided for students to help facilitate movement to appropriate educational and occupational level or program.
Types of Placement

  1. Personal/ Social Placement. This service enables students to adjust to new situations in school setting or in group.
  2. Academic/ Educational. This service ensures the satisfactory adjustment of the student in school or in the job.
  3. Personal/ Social. This service enables students to adjust in group and in new situations and environment.
  4. Occupational/ Career. This service assesses the students to find appropriate place in the world of work. It also assists the students to properly acquire necessary skills in employment.

It is the tapping of individuals who could be of better assistance in the students’ resolution of the problem and attainment of full potential.
Specific Procedures for Referral Service

  1. Faculty, staff or concerned individual fills out the referral slip available at the Guidance Unit / College for students observed who are in need of counseling.
  2. The guidance counselor receives the referral form and does initial interview with the referring party.
  3. The guidance counselor schedules the counseling and sends a call slip addressed to the student indicating the date and time of the meeting.
    Student referred to the Guidance Unit for counseling is called and be excused from the class upon receiving his call slip from the Guidance Counselor. Student may reports directly to the guidance counselor during the specified time and date or whatever is convenient to both.
  4. The Guidance Counselor conducts the counseling session.
  5. After each counseling session, the counselor makes a case study / narrative report to be filed at the guidance office.
  6. After each counseling session, the counselor makes a case study / narrative report to be filed at the guidance office.
  7. A follow – up session is scheduled if necessary.

This activity aims to extend the expertise, knowledge and skills of the counselor in specific area to another party for the benefit of the counselee. The counselor acts as an adviser or enhancer.
Specific Procedures for Consultation with Parents

  1. The guidance counselor sends a letter to the parent of the student, specifying the concerns, date and time of the consultation meeting.
  2. A reply slip will be send back by the parents stating their willingness to attend the consultation on specified time and date.
  3. If the parents come on the expected schedule, a consultation meeting will be conducted.
  4. The guidance counselor makes a narrative report based on the consultation meeting.

This service is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Guidance Unit, to determine the needs and problems of students as basis for counseling
and growth sessions and to validate new techniques and interventions.

A. Admission Services. Assist in the admission through tests and initial interview of freshmen and transferees.
B. Issuance of Certificate of Good Moral Character
C. Outreach Services. This service aims to reach out to groups in need outside the university through educational and social services in coordination to proper authorities.
D. Signing of Semestral Clearance / Shifting Form